Wednesday, April 9, 2008

***** RaC closing for renovations *****

RaC is now closed for major renovations!

We expect the updates to take about a week, but can not set a definite date for the opening at this point. We will keep you updated on the progress.

If you're not already subscribing, you can do so at this location:


Anonymous said...

HELLO, I AM very interested in BUY A SKIN CALLED "AIDAN" ... Please it´s so urgent!.. my name in SL is RicardoB Bechir. i'm waitting your response. Ty

Anonymous said...

Update...on the progress...PLEEEEZE! I need a model shape from there.

Anonymous said...

yes, im with ricardob, i really would like to buy the skin named tess, i hope that tess skin would be available when u reopens.... greetings /P

Anonymous said...

I'm also interested in buying Tess from you. Is there a way to get it before you reopen?

Sebille Allerhand